Actually ,I'm working on 2002 lexus V6 RX 3OO.
My real question is: How can I remove from the engine bloc those 2 water pump studs?
In fact, I did remove the timing belt.Please help me to contenue to change this water pump?type into search box
how to replace water pump 2002 lexus V6 RX 3OO
could go to type in your info and look it all up place to get it price it cost and how to replace itPlease help me to contenue to change this water pump?The first thing you need is some penetrant oil. you didn't mention whether or not they were broken so i will presume they are.
Get some high quality vice grips and clamp them on super super tight at the tip of the vice grips.. Start rocking the vice grips back and forth but mostly toward losening. the moment you detect the stud did move, begin to work it off by rocking and turning toward removal. continue with penetrant
I know the vehicle you are doing. ugh. fun job eh? well, not too bad but it's pretty tight in there.