Friday, June 3, 2011
I need to get info on how to change thw water pump and timming belt on a 88 prelude si 2.0 engine?
what do i need to remove in order to replace the water pump on a 1988 honda prelude?I need to get info on how to change thw water pump and timming belt on a 88 prelude si 2.0 engine?FIRST find the timing mark on the balancer pulley and set it to top dead center, usually on a honda its the red mark or center mark on the pulley. The mark is on the very outer edge of the belt groove and there are usually 3 together on a honda. Carefully remove the balancer pulley, you will need a 17 mm socket and a 12 mm socket to remove the pulley. After you remove the pulley and belt you may find that the power steering pump needs to be removed from the bracket to give you room to work. You dont need to disconnect the hoses from it usually. then take the timing cover bolts off and remove the plastic timing cover. Best thing to do now is to have a Haynes manual to follow to continue because it will describe step by step how to properly time the motor and reset the belt tension. Those are VERY important so follow the instructions PRECISELY!I need to get info on how to change thw water pump and timming belt on a 88 prelude si 2.0 engine?the timing belt and timing cover, try alldatadiy dot com, it will give you step by step instructions for shade trees.I need to get info on how to change thw water pump and timming belt on a 88 prelude si 2.0 engine?If you buy from autozone they can print all the info out. or you could buy a repair manual for $ 20I need to get info on how to change thw water pump and timming belt on a 88 prelude si 2.0 engine?Yeah get a Chilton's manual. They have pictures of every step. It's great.I need to get info on how to change thw water pump and timming belt on a 88 prelude si 2.0 engine?remove the belt for the ac/alternator/power steering ( if there is power steering) the upper and lower radiator hoses, the pump has 4 bolts that hold it onto the block, it is a tight fit, so use caution and longsleeves