Friday, June 3, 2011
How do you change a water pump on a 1999 dodge intrepid?
how do you install a water pump on a 1999 dodge intrepid?How do you change a water pump on a 1999 dodge intrepid?you need to tell us which engine it has in it ,those came with different engines,and that means different ways for them to come off,either isn't to bad,you can use auto zones help site and it will print you out a sheet of how to do this once you know the engine size,good luck,here's their site,sign in and use it,,,PS Haynes makes a real good repair manual on those cars,it might be a real good idea to invest in one,you,ll need it for that car, do you change a water pump on a 1999 dodge intrepid?Go out and by a'll all be in really shouldn't attempt to work on your own car beyond basic service without a manual...Even my father, who's a mechanic, uses them. Then, you won't have to ask others...