There is a loud squeecking noise coming from the water pump and the serpentime belt isnt loose!
I dont know how long it would take a mechanic to do the job?How do i change the water pump on a 2000 s-10 4.3 litter 4wheel drive with air conditioning?Kelly F is right.
These motors are notorious for squeaky idler pulleys. Find the idler pulley, and spray the surface of it while the engine is running. Belt dressing is fine for this. If it stops squeaking, it's the pulley. Way cheaper, and not as important to fix.
What happens, is the pulley is more of a wheel. It hasn't any shoulders to keep it in-line. If it is turned slightly to either side, the belt is dragging incorrectly across the surface, at a slight diagonal, causing the squeal.
For water pump installation, get the book from your auto parts store. There is no way someone can describe all of this here. The book has pictures, too.How do i change the water pump on a 2000 s-10 4.3 litter 4wheel drive with air conditioning?wel sure its not the pulley or the tension-er which go bad before the water pump and if pump not leaking most likley it not bad an dthat woul dbe easy and cheap to replace at a home good way to check it woul dbe spray it with anything while running and if it stops squeaking it pully or beltHow do i change the water pump on a 2000 s-10 4.3 litter 4wheel drive with air conditioning?Is the truck running hot? The water pump would only take you about an hour to replace. Remove the fan shroud,the fan. Remove the upper hose from radiator pull back out of the way so you don't lose your anti freeze. Remove the bolts from the water pump and remove. Installing is reverse of removal.