this is one of the hardest pumps ive ever had to change. counting the newer cars. i did all mine from the bottom(before i got my lifts) and there is no easy way. last one i did, the parts store gave me one with a bent shaft. always check first. i know from experience. luckily they did reimburse me for my labor. just dig in and watch your language.What is the easiest way to change a water pump on a 93 ford tempo.?well...the easiest way is to have somone do it for you lol...but if you can't do that...they are not difficult...just remove the belts...the water pump is fairly accessable from the may have to remove the right wheel to get to some bolts easier with an extension and swivle. It's been awhile since I did one but as I remember it's not that difficult. Be sure and use a decent scraper to remove the old gasket then some fine sand paper to smooth it all out for a proper gasket fit. Mine was a '94 if I remember may have had an %26quot;O%26quot; ring rather than a gasket...use a little silicone to hold things in place then refill the tank and be on your way.
Good luckWhat is the easiest way to change a water pump on a 93 ford tempo.?There is no easy way to change it. The car has to be half way in the air many times before you get the dam thing out and then the trouble begins. Good luck!!!What is the easiest way to change a water pump on a 93 ford tempo.?let someone else do it, sounds like you haven't ever done this before. if you haven't you're going to do a lot of cussing and hollering tool tossing.